Mears Ahsby Hall Northamptonshire Hand Painted Kitchen
I was commissioned a few years ago to redecorate and Hand Paint the Kitchen Cabinets And Furniture in a delightful property in the village of Mears Ashby in Northamptonshire, Known as Mears Ashby Hall a grade 2 listed building.
It is a fine jackobean building erected in 1637 by Thomas Clemson, on the site of an earlier manor house, it has seen many changes over the years and eventual reconstruction by Anthony Salvin in 1859 to the splendid house with many gables that we see today.
The pond in the grounds of the manor house is the site of the ducking of a poor woman named Sarah Bradshaw in 1785, who was accused of witchcraft, her ghost is reputed to wander the grave yard on the anniversary of her drowning.
I was also commissioned to carry out the complete redecoration of the library at the same period of time which included hand painting to the Hand Made Bespoke Furniture.
I must say i really enjoyed my time working on this historic house, but never saw the ghost !!
Watch Our Video On A Hand Painted Kitchen Demonstration.
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